What examples can you find of the Ill Manors brand on the Ill Manors website homepage screengrab above?
One example of the iLL Manors brand is the logo that is on the website homepage on the top left corner under the contents page, which allows viewers to get a rough insight of what the film is like, as well as promoting the album. Also, there's a hashtag #illmanors on the top left side of the building, with a bold font and colour which easily can be caught by the audiences eye. Furthermore, towards the bottom of the building the album is being promoted. In addition, the actors/actresses are portrayed on the main page, however, they aren't seen as the main focus.
How does the website encourage the audience to buy or interact with Ill Manors products?
The website encourages the audience into buying the ill Manors products by using the phrase 'ill manors buy now' on the building. Also, the website boldly states the different ways the audience can view the film, which may influence the audience into watching the film as there's more than one different way.
Look at Plan B's official website. How does it use social media in terms of content and design?
Through Plan B's website we can see it uses social media to help with the promotion of the film. We can tell that Plan B has a twitter account with the use of the hashtags, also the with the tweets his fans have tweeted to him. Also, underneath the contents page are subheadings of the products of the film, and as we can see there's links which direct us to Plan B's social media's.
Scroll back through the wall to look at posts from around the release date of Ill Manors. How does this statement on Ill Manors link to other texts we have studied as part of this case study? Do you agree with his claim that he "won't justify" the riots?
This statement links to other texts as it helps the audience understand why Plan B made his film, and his reasons behind the actions of what went on in the film. I agree with his claim as the riots were not justifiable. However, he explained why the riots happened due to the government and due the lower class of society being ignored and almost pushed out.
Why do you think social media is overtaking official websites in terms of film promotion?
I think social media is overtaking official websites in terms of promotion, as it's a more cheaper and efficient way. Also, through social media, there's a higher chance of the website getting promoted, which leads to promotion of the film and album. In addition, the chances of the website getting taken down would be harder through social media as many people use social media itself. Furthermore, celebrities use social media themselves so there's an easier chance of the film being promoted.
Sunday, 28 February 2016
Ill Manors: e-media off-site research
Ill Manors Facebook page
1) How many 'likes' has the Ill Manors film page had?
The iLL Manors facebook page has a total of 29,879 likes.
1) How many 'likes' has the Ill Manors film page had?
The iLL Manors facebook page has a total of 29,879 likes.
2)What is the top of the page promoting?
The top of the page is promoting the iLL Manors film itself.
3)Choose five of the posts on the page's wall, screengrab them and explain how they appeal to the Ill Manor's target audience.
This would appeal to the iLL Manors target audience as the caption states that Plan B was the best Hip Hop/Grime Artist at the MOBOs in 2012. This would therefore appeal to the younger British audience as some would listen to his music.
This post would appeal to the target audience as it mentions that the iLL Manors film is award-wining. It would also influence the audience into watching the film as it states "Don't miss this explosive, unique crime thriller and one of this years most talked about British films from debut director Ben Drew." This would therefore, influence the audience into watching it.
This appeals to the audience as it informs them about the release date of the film, and keeps them updated about what's going on. This would make the audience feel like they're involved.
This would appeal to the target audience as the pictures boldly states its the #1 Album which would influence the audience into listening to the album. Furthermore, the use of the quotes on the picture would make the audience want to watch the film as well as listening to the album.
This appeals to the target audience as the Tag London company involves the audience, with the twitter project.
4)Find three examples of synergy with other platforms (links to broadcast clips or newspaper/magazine articles). Explain how each one promotes the film.
One example is the synergy of the DVD and Blu Ray copies of the movie, therefore, using the Facebook page helps promote the audience to watch the film through buying the DVD. Another synergy would be Plan B himself, as an artist and director he would be able to use his social media in order to promote his album and film. Also, the use of the YouTube link on Facebook helped promote the trailer for the film.
5)Find three examples on the Facebook wall of opportunities for user generated content or audience interaction (e.g. a question that invites people to comment or a competition to enter).
One example of a audience interaction would be the application to the BFI Film Academy. Which allows people aged 16-19 to make a short film. This allows the audience to interact with the BFI Film Academy through the iLL Manors Facebook page.
Another example is contest of trying to win a free copy of the iLL Manors film through the Revolver Entertainment company. Lastly the Facebook post of the question if iLL Manors was your favourite anthem gives the audience an opportunity to discuss whether it was or not.
6)Find three examples of the Facebook page cross-promoting the soundtrack or DVD release
7)Find the Twitter graffiti campaign link on the Facebook wall and screengrab it.

8)How did the institution use the Facebook page to promote the film's release in May/June 2012?
The institution used the Facebook page to promote the films release by uploading pictures of the iLL Manor premiere. Also, it uploaded scenes of the film and captioned how long was left till the release of the film, this kept the audience updated all throughout till the release of the film.
Ill Manors Twitter feed
1)How does the Ill Manors Twitter feed use the Ill Manors brand to promote the film?
1)How does the Ill Manors Twitter feed use the Ill Manors brand to promote the film?
The iLL Manors twitter feed uses the iLL Manors brand to promote the film by using the front cover as the Twitter avi. Also, in the bio it contains information about the film, e.g, the director and what you can buy it on.
2)What hashtags are used on the Ill Manors Twitter feed?One main hashtag that is used on the ill Manors twitter feed is, #iLLManors. Another is #BenDrew and #PlanB.
3)Find three celebrities the Ill Manors Twitter feed re-tweeted to promote the film and explain how they appeal to the Ill Manors target audience.
2)What hashtags are used on the Ill Manors Twitter feed?One main hashtag that is used on the ill Manors twitter feed is, #iLLManors. Another is #BenDrew and #PlanB.
3)Find three celebrities the Ill Manors Twitter feed re-tweeted to promote the film and explain how they appeal to the Ill Manors target audience.
Josh Franceshi- he would appeal to the iLL Manors target audience as he's a well known British singer and therefore the audience would be more aware of the film through this singer.
Ed Skrein - he would appeal to the target audience as he's a character from the film and his usual fan base may not be aware of his appearance in the film. This would therefore create more publicity around the film.
Fearne Cotton - she would appeal to the target audience, as she's a british radio presenter and t.v presenter. She would be able talk about the film and give an honest review about it.
4)How has the Ill Manors Twitter feed used pictures to help promote the film?
Ed Skrein - he would appeal to the target audience as he's a character from the film and his usual fan base may not be aware of his appearance in the film. This would therefore create more publicity around the film.
Fearne Cotton - she would appeal to the target audience, as she's a british radio presenter and t.v presenter. She would be able talk about the film and give an honest review about it.
4)How has the Ill Manors Twitter feed used pictures to help promote the film?
The twitter feed has retweeted DVD pictures that have been tweeted by fans, also the use of uploading/retweeting pictures of the cast helps promote the film. They have also, retweeded pictures of their fans waiting for their copy of the film.
5)Find examples of the Ill Manors Tag London campaign in the Ill Manors Twitter feed and explain how they help to target the right audience for the film.
One main part of the twitter feed is based on the Tag Londons campaign, where there was tweets and re-tweets from all of the people who took part in it with their profile tagged. Therefore, in result of this, a larger audience was reached and there was a lot of discussion and points being said about the film.
6)How was the Ill Manors Twitter feed used to specifically promote the release of the film (May/June 2012) and the release on DVD (October 2012)? Choose three tweets for each and explain how they effectively promote the film.
Prior to the film being released, tweets were being released like "Who is ready for Ill Manors #illmanors". This kept the audience updated and informed as well as promoting the film with no cost.
Ill Manors on Instagram
1)How has Ill Manors used the Instagram platform to promote Ill Manors?
iLL Manors has used the Instagram platform to promote iLL Manors by fans uploading pictures with the hashtag #iLLManors, which was able to promote both the film and album.
2)Choose three particular images/posts and explain why they are effective in promoting the film.
1)How has Ill Manors used the Instagram platform to promote Ill Manors?
iLL Manors has used the Instagram platform to promote iLL Manors by fans uploading pictures with the hashtag #iLLManors, which was able to promote both the film and album.
2)Choose three particular images/posts and explain why they are effective in promoting the film.
This picture is effective in promoting the film, as it's a picture of the main cover from the film itself. Also, the caption influences the audience into watching the film as it's a positive comment.
1)How was the planbuk YouTube channel used to promote the Ill Manors film?
This helps promote both the film and music video, as it's a clip from the music video. However, the hashtags on the side promote the film as well.
This also promotes both the film and the film, as there's a picture of the someone listening to the track from the film. Also, once again the hashtags help promote the film as it sets a trend going.
YouTube - planbuk channel
1)How was the planbuk YouTube channel used to promote the Ill Manors film?
The planbuk YouTube channel is used to promote the Ill Manors film as they have uploaded all of the music videos that goes with the soundtrack that is played in the film, Ill Manors. Also, the channel has the videos of Plan B performing the songs at the Ill Manors Album Launch Party which may influence the audience into watching the film.
2. Find examples of synergy or cross-promotion between the planbuk YouTube channel and other media texts you have studied as part of the case study. Explain how they both promote the film and appeal to the Ill Manors target audience.
YouTube uses a synergy of music videos, that are posted with the Tag London campaign. This is due to the campaign showing the opinions of the youth through the use of the videos.
3. What links to other social networking sites can you find on the planbuk channel homepage?
Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud and Google+
Wednesday, 24 February 2016
Ill Manors e-media: Tag London campaign
1) Summarise the Ill Manors Tag London campaign in 100 of your own words.
The iLL Manors Tag London campaign, is a campaign that puts together both traditional and digital media in order to promote a project. The campaign Tag London works with a company called Powster. The campaign started up a Twitter trend with the hashtag #ILLMANORS in order to help promote the film. They asked people of the public to tweet things to this account and voice their opinions on what they thought of the album. The campaign managed to reach 5,000 entries in the space of five days. The tweets were then projected onto buildings around London, and then put back onto twitter. Furthermore, to help promote the album Atlantic Records teamed up with a live stream production company LoveLive to deliver a live stream event of the album launch party to YouTube. The campaign worked closely with Twitter in order to help promote the album using the hashtag #illmanorsalbum. Using Twitter to help promote the album was an ideal platform to reach a socially and politically connected audience.
2) How does the Ill Manors Tag London campaign help to promote the film?
The iLL Manors Tag London campaign helps promote the film, as it asked people of the public to voice their opinions through twitter about the subject matter of both the film and album. By doing this they managed to interact with the audience and get more people involved to spread the word. Also, the creative idea of projecting the fans tweets onto buildings around London engaged more people to get involved as they reached 5,000 entries in the space of five days and in total 300 of the tweets were recreated by graffiti artists, projected 100ft high onto London landmarks. The use of the hashtags helped create a trend and promote the film and album even more.
3) What synergy (links) can you find between the Tag London campaign and other texts you have studied as part of the Ill Manors case study?
One main synergy between the Tag London campaign is the broadcast platforms. Through these platforms Plan B was able to express his opinions on how he feels about the British society we live in. Through these interviews the audience were open to seeing Plan B's reasons for realising the film and album along with the concept behind it. Also, Tag London's close connection with Twitter is another synergy that can be seen, as it helped the project greatly in order to promote it to the audience.
4)Why might user-generated campaigns like this be more successful than traditional media campaigns?
User-generated campaigns would be more successful than traditional media campaigns as the promotion of this was more creative as it allowed the audience to get involved. Not only did it do this, but it allowed the audience to voice their opinions on what they thought about the album and film. Due to the audience being allowed to voice their opinions this increases the sales of the film and therefore, ends up being more successful.
This tweet would appeal to both the younger and older generation, and the demographic urban middle working class. As it talks about the society of Britain and how it's been broken by David Cameron.
This tweet would appeal to mainly the younger generation as it talks about 'rebelling' and during the London riots the younger generation were the main ones who were taking part in rebelling.
I think this would appeal more to the older generation as it talks about both teenagers and politicians. It would appeal to the older generation more as the younger generation as they aren't as interested in politics. Whereas, the older generation get more involved with that side of things.
This tweet would appeal urban youth demographic as there's a use of hashtags in this tweet, which is mainly used by the younger generation. Also, the rhyming of the words and rhetorical questions relate to almost what Plan B's songs are like.
This would appeal to the urban youth demographic as they believe the morals of what goes on in the film iLL Manors, and agree with what Plan B has to say. Also, its quite short which therefore may appeal to the younger generation as it's not too detailed or complicated. BFI Notes
Types of Cinemas:
Arthouse cinema- Small independent cinemas
Multiplex- Blockbuster and mainstream entertainment
Crossover- nominations and award related films (prestige)
Uses and Gratifications for national audience?
Information/Education: How do other British people live? What are issues affecting the UK? – People who are prestige and have authority
Social Interaction: ‘Crowd pleasers’ (social viewing), Oscar nominations (conversation point)
Personal Identification: National pride, solidarity, aspiration, glamorisation, reinforcing/rejecting values
Pure Entertainment: spectacle, escapism, adrenaline, (thriller/horror), catharsis (+emotional intensity)
Uses and Gratifications for US/international audience?
Information/Education: historical/literary figures, contemporary celebrities/royalty
Social Interaction: ‘Crowd pleasers’ (social viewing), Oscar nominations (conversation point)
Personal Identification: solidarity with subcultures/marginalised groups rarely represented in mainstream cinema
Pure entertainment: spectacle, escapism, adrenaline (thriller/horror), catharsis (+emotional intensity)
Film Examples
‘Franchise’: Kingsman: The Secret Service – Mix of arthouse, mainstream and prestige
A UK audience would like the entertainment and elite it has throughout the movie.
A US/international audience would like the patriotic representation and the adrenaline rush, thestereotypical shots, the violence, social realism and the plot.
'Heritage': A Royal Night Out – is nostalgic ‘rose tinted’ - prestige
Heritage focuses on: UK film used tourist marketing strategy (for foreign audiences)
Relationship with the past is not questioned or criticised.
A UK audience would like the history and meritocracy which is presented.
A US/international audience would like the information and knowledge provided the class difference as it is only presented in the UK which will reinforce the dominant stereotype and also the knowing and interests in the monarch.
‘Social Realism’: The Selfish Giant: an arthouse film
Social realism focuses on: Working or 'underclass' characters, Dark side of human behaviour, Seen to be the opposite of heritage cinema, Challenges audiences comfort zones- harsh reality of modern Britain
A UK audience would like how an alternative stereotype of a teenager lives in the UK, the relation with the theme, the emotional intensity provided.
A US/international audience would like how social class is presented and how lower/working class children live and work.
Horror: The Woman in Black: multiplex/arthouse
Horror focuses on: The offered costume dramas, tradition of gothic theme and the US horror had stricter censorship towards this genre of film (preferred family films)
A UK audience would like Daniel Radcliff as protagonist as he is well known from the Harry Potter franchise which is successful globally, it is based and set in England, and it follows inspiration from a British book/novel, a traditional British feel for horror, and links to Edwardian period based clothing
A US/international audience would like how it is a popular novel and stage performance
'Urban Fairy-tale' Rom-Com: One Day: an arthouse film
- Romantic Comedy
- Typical love story (based)
- Set in contemporary London - Lots of tourist landmarks; Middle class neighbourhoods
- Vision of urban life
- Location/setting
- British landmarks
What would a US/International audience like about this film?
- Sexual reference/theme
- Comedy
- Couple drama
Saturday, 20 February 2016
Print platform: branding
This print brief for iLL Manors is different, it has all the main characters on the front cover. Also the colours that are used aren't so typical to a normal print brief.
Furthermore, the use of the quotes from critics helps influence the audience into watching the film.
It also has star ratings on the cover to convey how good the film is to the audience.
The title is clear and bold and placed in the center for the audience to see, the quotes are also very clear ad bold.
The poster also clearly states the music is produced by Plan B which may influence the audience into watching the film and states the film was directed by Ben Drew himself.
The font is the same for everything which makes it look a bit more professional. In addition, the style of the font is in a block format, which reinforces the British-Urban genre.
The background of the poster is shown as quite dark and serious which reflects what the
film is like, we can also see an estate at the back, which emphasises the British genre.
The way the pictures are aligned makes the poster look more professional and therefore, more appealing for the audience's eye.
The synergy in this, is that there's a clear promotion of the film itself and the portrayal of Plan B's music.

This print brief is quite plain and bland, however it still contains some key information about the film. It states in bold the director of the film and the release date of the film. It also has the title of the film in the centre.
Furthermore, it has the slogan from the film "we are all products of our environment".
Unlike the other poster, it doesn't have film reviews or ratings shown. This could be a downfall as some audiences would want a rough idea of what other people think of the film. Also, if it has film reviews they could get a clearer idea of what the film is like and would may be intrigued into watching it.
Once again, like the other poster, the font is block-like which emphasises the British-Urban genre of the film.
In this poster, I don't think there is any synergy conveyed, unlike the other poster, there was the synergy of Plan B's music.
This brief as a lot going on in it, unlike the other two. It has quite a lot of film reviews which is good, as it helps give the audience a clearer idea if they want to watch the film or not. Furthermore, it has ratings which could could influence them into watching the film.
It has the main protagonist holding a gun. The background is filled with estates and it looks quite grim and dull which reflects what the film is like.
Like the previous poster the use of the slogan "we are all products of our environment" helps intrigue the audience into finding out more about the film.
The font is very similar in comparison to the other two posters, it reflects the british - urban estates, with it's block style writing. Like the others, the font is also continuous throughout, which makes it look more professional.
It also clearly states the director of the film, by both names of Plan B and Ben Drew, this may have been done to cross promote Plan B as a music artist and Ben Drew as a director.
The way the pictures are aligned makes the poster look more professional and therefore, more appealing for the audience's eye.
The synergy in this, is that there's a clear promotion of the film itself and the portrayal of Plan B's music.

This print brief is quite plain and bland, however it still contains some key information about the film. It states in bold the director of the film and the release date of the film. It also has the title of the film in the centre.
Furthermore, it has the slogan from the film "we are all products of our environment".
Unlike the other poster, it doesn't have film reviews or ratings shown. This could be a downfall as some audiences would want a rough idea of what other people think of the film. Also, if it has film reviews they could get a clearer idea of what the film is like and would may be intrigued into watching it.
Once again, like the other poster, the font is block-like which emphasises the British-Urban genre of the film.
In this poster, I don't think there is any synergy conveyed, unlike the other poster, there was the synergy of Plan B's music.

This brief as a lot going on in it, unlike the other two. It has quite a lot of film reviews which is good, as it helps give the audience a clearer idea if they want to watch the film or not. Furthermore, it has ratings which could could influence them into watching the film.
It has the main protagonist holding a gun. The background is filled with estates and it looks quite grim and dull which reflects what the film is like.
Like the previous poster the use of the slogan "we are all products of our environment" helps intrigue the audience into finding out more about the film.
The font is very similar in comparison to the other two posters, it reflects the british - urban estates, with it's block style writing. Like the others, the font is also continuous throughout, which makes it look more professional.
It also clearly states the director of the film, by both names of Plan B and Ben Drew, this may have been done to cross promote Plan B as a music artist and Ben Drew as a director.
Ill Manors: Print platform
Men's Health Magazine
For this magazine, the target audience would mainly be aimed at men, aged around 18-35 as younger men would be more conscious of their body image, whereas elder men wouldn't be as bothered. . In terms of psychographic groups, this magazine would target aspirers as the magazine is about maintaining/improving your body image. With the use of Plan B, this would help attract the younger generation.
The magazine can be used for both entertainment and helping men improve their body image.
The use of the celebrities in this magazine helps the younger generation keep motivated as they see the celebrities as role models.
In this interview, Plan B is mainly focused on the political topic of David Cameron and the headline of the interview itself is 'Plan B attacks David Cameron'. The use of the word "attacks" helps keep the younger generation intrigued as they wouldn't be normally interested with political views. Also, the fact that Plan B is the one who is talking about the topic would keep them even more interested as he's a young artist who's music relates to the younger generation.
Throughout the interview Plan B talks about his film, which helps promote the film itself, and therefore people would be more open/willing to go and watch it.
In this there's we can see there's a cross promotion, of the film itself and the music for ill manors.
The Guardian
The target audience for the Guardian would be aimed at the younger generation, as the newspaper states that their main readers are "urban consumers with a keen sense of adventure when it comes to trying new products and experiences." The Guardian is mainly left wing and it's a broadsheet newspaper, and would focus on socialist ideologies rather than conservatives. Furthermore, in terms of psychographic groups, the Guardian would appeal to explorers.
The interview both entertains the reader and informs them about Plan B's life and what his childhood was like. By doing this, the audience begins to form an emotional attachment towards Plan B, and therefore would want to explore more about him, which may result in them watching the film itself.
This interview is set out like an article with embedded quotes, set out similarly to the Men's Health magazine. Throughout this interview we get a rough idea of what Plan B's childhood was like.
In my opinion, the narrative is what kept the audience engaged as his lifestyle and childhood is quite interesting. Each paragraph gives a better understanding of what Plan B is like, this therefore increases the chances of the audience wanting to watch the film as they are more intrigued.
Furthermore, Plan B gives the audience a insight of the reasons behind his actions which helps the audience the purpose behind both his music and his film.
Daily Mail
Furthermore, Plan B gives the audience a insight of the reasons behind his actions which helps the audience the purpose behind both his music and his film.
Daily Mail
The Daily Mail is a tabloid newspaper, it targets the middle class demographic. It's also a right wing newspaper and therefore the readers would mainly be conservatives. In terms of psychographic groups, the Daily Mail would appeal to succeeders as conservatives seek leadership and control.
This article shows a more negative side to the film, to influence the audience to not watch it. This therefore, differs from all the other articles as they show a more positive side to the film. This could be due to Plan B being totally against the Conservatives.This could cause a moral panic, as the music video conveys riots and the audience may believe this may actually happening, as Plan B is against the Conservatives.
Due to this article being heavily negative, this may influence the audience in to not watching the film. As they may view Plan B as a negative figure.
Throughout the article there isn't one positive point about the film, instead they derogatory language to describe both the film and the characters in the film.
Due to there being no sympathetic language the audience won't be as intrigued or interested in watching the film. Also, the fact that they've portrayed Plan B as a negative figure.
Thursday, 18 February 2016
Ill Manors: Broadcast platform concluded
1) What does this tell us about Plan B's intentions in making the film?
Plan B's intentions behind the making of this film was to convey to the audience the reasons behind the behavior of the youth. Also, he wants to show the public that he's challenging the stereotypes of the youth. Furthermore, he wants so try and help the kids of this society.
2) What do we learn about the production process for Ill Manors?
To begin with, Plan B originally made the film that had a script of 20 pages, however, he was told to reduce it down to only 5 pages as they had only one night to film. This then inspired him to make it almost like a music video, with Plan B himself rapping the narrative. In addition, to make his film seem more realistic, he carefully chose actors who had troubled backgrounds themselves to add to the sense of realism.
3) What can you tell about the possible target audience from this short documentary?
From this documentary, you can tell that the film wasn't just aimed for troubled youths, but it was also for people who weren't aware of the situations these young people lived in, and the film was almost a way for the audience to be educated and learn about how these young troubled kids live. Furthermore, to show the audience why these kids act the way they do.
4) Does the film successfully do what director Ben Drew (Plan B) set out to achieve? Explain your answer with reference to both the film and the 'making of' documentary.
Plan B successfully managed to reach what he wanted to get out of the making of this film. He wanted the audience to try and understand why some kids of Britain do what they do, and he successfully managed to do this as the cinematographer said in the documentary: "hope in hopeless situation" and the film manages to achieve this by showing the reason behind each action.
1) What is SBTV? Research the channel and explain how it became successful. Identify the target audience for this interview (demographics/psychographics) and say why.
SBTV is a multi-faceted company run by a small team of young people who work on web-based content, generally with a new music angle.The media platform has its origins and roots in urban music. This channel would mainly target the youth demographic, as it contains explicit language that would be more intriguing to younger people than the older generation.
Plan B's intentions behind the making of this film was to convey to the audience the reasons behind the behavior of the youth. Also, he wants to show the public that he's challenging the stereotypes of the youth. Furthermore, he wants so try and help the kids of this society.
2) What do we learn about the production process for Ill Manors?
To begin with, Plan B originally made the film that had a script of 20 pages, however, he was told to reduce it down to only 5 pages as they had only one night to film. This then inspired him to make it almost like a music video, with Plan B himself rapping the narrative. In addition, to make his film seem more realistic, he carefully chose actors who had troubled backgrounds themselves to add to the sense of realism.
3) What can you tell about the possible target audience from this short documentary?
From this documentary, you can tell that the film wasn't just aimed for troubled youths, but it was also for people who weren't aware of the situations these young people lived in, and the film was almost a way for the audience to be educated and learn about how these young troubled kids live. Furthermore, to show the audience why these kids act the way they do.
4) Does the film successfully do what director Ben Drew (Plan B) set out to achieve? Explain your answer with reference to both the film and the 'making of' documentary.
Plan B successfully managed to reach what he wanted to get out of the making of this film. He wanted the audience to try and understand why some kids of Britain do what they do, and he successfully managed to do this as the cinematographer said in the documentary: "hope in hopeless situation" and the film manages to achieve this by showing the reason behind each action.
1) What is SBTV? Research the channel and explain how it became successful. Identify the target audience for this interview (demographics/psychographics) and say why.
SBTV is a multi-faceted company run by a small team of young people who work on web-based content, generally with a new music angle.The media platform has its origins and roots in urban music. This channel would mainly target the youth demographic, as it contains explicit language that would be more intriguing to younger people than the older generation.
2) What is the audience appeal for an interview like this? How does the opening of the clip emphasise this appeal?
The audience appeal for this interview would mainly appeal to teenagers through the language being used. In addition, the use of swearing helps the youth of this generation feel more comfortable in the environment and helps convey that nothing is artificial. This
helps with the building of relationships with the celebrities.
3) How is Plan B (the brand) represented in this text?
In this text Plan B is presented as someone extremely passionate about what they work for and what they believe in. He's seen as hard-working and dedicated. However, he's also seen as someone who can joke around and swears, which helps promote realism of the youth in this generation.
1) What is the history of the Jonathan Ross show? What channels has it appeared on? Why has Jonathan Ross been a controversial media figure in the past?
The Jonathan Ross show is aired on ITV and played during prime time. In the past Jonathan Ross has been seen as a controversial figure in the media due to the prank call involving Russell Brand.
2) Identify the target audience for this interview (demographics/psychographics) and say why.
The target audience for this interview differs quite a lot in comparison to an audience for SBTV. The target audience for this audience would mainly be targeted towards the older generation who understand adult humor.
4) How is Plan B (the brand) represented in this text?
Plan B is presented as a unique artist: "Most interesting artist around". He's seen as interesting as he's experienced.
1) How popular is BBC Radio 1?
Find average listening figures for the station. How has the BBC Radio 1 audience declined over recent years? Why might this have happened?
The average listening figures for this station are 53,502(2014). In terms of media sources this station isn't very popular. BBC 1 radio has declined over the years as there has been an increase in their competitor market as more people have started to listen to music on-line or through social media.
2) Who is the target audience for BBC Radio 1?
BBC Radio 1 is a British radio station operated by the British Broadcasting Corporation which also broadcasts internationally. Radio 1 also provides different genres after 7pm . Therefore, the target audience for this radio station would aim around 16-30.
3) How does Plan B promote Ill Manors in this interview?
One main way that Plan B promotes his film is by repeatedly mentioning it. Also, he mentioned how hard his actors/crew worked for such a little amount. He spoke about the amount of faith he had in them, regardless of their background. Furthermore, we learn that the main song from the film was taken from the beat of a German song.
4) What representation of Plan B can we find in this interview?
In this interview we can infer that Plan B is a dedicated/passionate young man. However, he can also be seen as a very last minute kind of guy as well. In this interview, we are told he was the main guy and brains behind the directing, music and editing. He mentioned that the whole process was quite long and needed a lot of patience, however, he also said it was worth it.
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