Sunday, 24 January 2016

ill Manors Film Review

Director -  The director of ill Manors is Ben Drew, who is also known as 'Plan B'. As well as directing this film, Ben Drew is also known for rapping. He released the album 'ill Manors'. 

Main Stars - One of the main characters in ill Manors, is Aaron (Riz Ahmed). Riz is a British actor also starred in the film 'Shifty' another British Urban film. Another main character in this film is Ed (Ed Skrein) who is a British Actor and rapper. He played Daario Naharis in Game of Thrones and Frank Martin in The Transporter: Refueled. 

Plot - ill Manors is about British life on the streets. Throughout the film, different characters problems are portrayed, however, each characters problem is linked to another character. The film covers many things from drugs to prostitution to gangs. Through all of this, it shows the life on the streets in Britain. 

Genre - This film is a British, Urban thriller. It conveys the harsh reality of life on the streets in Britain. 

Audience - ill Manors, is mainly targeted a younger audience mainly 16+. It's targeted at a younger audience as it shows the youth of Britain. It is also aimed at a working class audience as the film is a low budgeted film.


  • Aaron (Riz Ahmed) : Aaron is a main character in this film. He's conveyed as a drug dealer who's involved with other problems from the other characters in the film. Even though he's seen as a drug dealer, Aaron has morals and still tries to do the right thing, unlike some of the other characters in the film. I think is acting was quite good in this film, he showed both sides of the character Aaron, the drug dealer who stays on the streets, and he showed the side of him having morality and having a good heart.  
  • Ed  (Ed Skrein) : Ed is one of Aaron's best friends. Ed is a drug dealer like Aaron, however, Ed is portrayed as having no morals and he doesn't care about anything other than himself, and his own problems. He can be seen like this throughout the film, however, he changes at the end when he runs back up to save the baby from the fire. I liked Ed's acting throughout the film, he showed what some people are really like on the streets. 
  • Marcel - Nick Sagar: Marcel is another drug dealer. He takes in another character in the film, 'Jake' and makes him part of the gang. He forces Jake to kill someone, and when he gets caught by Chris, he tries to put the blame on Jake. 
  • Kirby (Keith Coggins) : Kirby is another drug dealer on the streets. He taught Chris the ways of the business when he was a young boy, however, when Chris grew up the roles were reversed and Kirby ended up working for Chris. Kirby is seen as sly and manipulative in the film as he gets two young girls Jody and Chanel to come to his house to meet a "modelling agent". 
  • Chris  (Lee Allen) : Chris was the young boy who used to work for Kirby, who then became in charge and became the boss of Kirby. He's also a drug dealer, in the film, his sister Chanel gets killed by Jake and Chris ends up killing Jake and Marcel.
  •  Michelle (Anouska Mond): Michelle is a drug addict and prostitute. Even though she is both these things, she tries to help another character in the film 'Katya' in trying to get her baby back and trying to escape her violent boyfriend. 
  • Jake  (Ryan De La Cruz) : Jake is one of the kids, that wants to be a part of the gang. He's vulnerable and naive, and Marcel takes advantage of him.  
In my opinion, I think all the acting in this film was very realistic and all the actors showed the urban life in Britain realistically.


ill Manors is a British, Urban film directed by Ben Drew (Plan B). Throughout the film, it shows the different lifestyles of each character. The film is extremely intriguing and has the audience captivated at all times. It covers many things that go on in Britain, from drugs to prostitution. 

One of the main characters in this film is Aaron, played by Riz Ahmed. He is a local drug dealer, alongside one of the other characters Ed, played by Ed Skrein. Both characters are completely opposite to one another, Aaron has morality and cares about the well-beings of others, as in the film he tries to help both of the females ‘Michelle’ and ‘Katya’. Whereas, Ed only cares about himself, and cares only about his problems and nothing else. The situations that each character faces throughout the film are presented as a negative cycle. For example, Michelle has a negative cycle of selling herself to get money, to buy drugs as she has no other way of doing so. Furthermore, we see that each character is involved in some illegal activity, which catches up with them. The narrative of this film is written extremely well by Plan B, he conveys the different lives of each character and the problems they face. However, not only does he do this, he links each problem with another character.

I’d strongly recommend this film, the story line is extremely captivating. The acting from all of the actors is extremely good and the way it was shot and directed, was overall extremely good.

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