The film A Field In England is a low-budget British art-house film, made by the director Ben Wheatley, who was the first director to release the film simultaneously across all platforms; Cinema, DVD/Blu Ray, TV and VoD. This article informs us that Ben Wheatley was the first director to attempt to do this. It also explained the reasons of why Ben Wheatley did this. Furthermore, the article uses quotes that talk about the distribution of the film along with the costs; ‘‘£184 million of this was allocated to media advertising, the rest on film prints, advertising production, publicity, premiers and related costs.’’ The article explains what the The distributor’s challenges are for a film launch:
1. identifying the film’s audience
2. estimating revenue potential across all platforms
3. building awareness and maintaining interest
4. persuading exhibitors to present the film
5. persuading the audience to watch it.
The distribution strategy is complex and costly and therefore, involves a lot of research and creativity.
1)How was A Field In England’s release different to typical film releases?
The release of this film was different to a typical way of a film being released as it was released across Cinema, DVD/Blu Ray, TV and VoD all on the same day.
2)What are the advantages to releasing the film across all platforms on the same day?
One advantage of releasing the film across all platforms on the same day is that it stood out from the release of other films. Also, due to the genre of the film it wouldn't have a lot of time to find its audience in the cinema, and therefore would have a higher chance through DVD's or through TV etc.
3)What are the disadvantages to this approach?
One disadvantage to this approach would be the audience taking a cheaper way of viewing the film, for example buying the DVD or watching it at home would be much cheaper than buying tickets to go and watch it in the cinemas.
4)What target audience would A Field In England be aimed at? Demographics and Psychographics.
The target audience for this film would target the age group of 20-25, middle class people. In terms of psychographic groups this would appeal to succeeder's as they are of the higher class and more professional. Which therefore means that they would enjoy to watch a film that is based around the 15/16th century.
5)Do you think all films in future will be released across all platforms simultaneously in future?
5)Do you think all films in future will be released across all platforms simultaneously in future?
In my opinion, I think films would be released across platforms simultaneously as it's more beneficial, due to the fact of people downloading films illegally anyway. Therefore, the company would make more profit in releasing the film across all platforms at once. This would also appeal to any audience, mainly the working class as they might not be able to afford or enjoy going out to the cinema, and therefore could watch it at home for a cheaper price.
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